What are Plastic Dentures

Plastic Dentures: An Overview

Plastic dentures have long been a staple for patients seeking an affordable and convenient solution to missing teeth in dental prosthetics. Due to age, injury, or decay, missing teeth can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Plastic dentures, commonly known as acrylic dentures, have paved the way for many individuals to regain their confidence, chew effectively, and smile brightly again.

This article will comprehensively understand plastic dentures, their benefits, limitations, and care recommendations.

What are Plastic Dentures?

Plastic dentures are dental prosthetics made primarily from acrylic plastic. They can be partial, replacing a few missing teeth, or complete, replacing an entire arch. The base of these dentures is designed to simulate gum tissue, with artificial teeth often made of the same acrylic material or sometimes porcelain.

Advantages of Plastic Dentures

Affordability: One of the most significant advantages of dentures made from plastic material is their cost-effectiveness. Compared to alternatives like implants or metal framework dentures, acrylic ones are often more affordable, making them accessible to a broader range of patients.

Adaptability: These dentures can be easily modified. If further tooth loss occurs, adding more teeth to an existing acrylic base is relatively simple.

Comfort: Acrylic dentures consist properties that are lightweight, and with the right fit, they can be very comfortable. Their non-abrasive nature means they’re gentler on the gums than metal-based alternatives.

Limitations of Plastic Dentures

Durability Concerns: Plastic dentures, though sturdy, are not as robust as those with metal frameworks. Over time, they might warp or crack, necessitating repair or replacement.

Thickness: To impart the necessary strength to the denture, the acrylic base must be of a certain thickness, which some users might find bulky or intrusive.

Potential for Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some individuals might be allergic to acrylic as it has high density, leading to discomfort or irritation.

Caring for Plastic Dentures

Proper care is essential to prolong the lifespan of dentures and to maintain oral hygiene:

Daily Cleaning: Just like natural teeth, dentures must be cleaned daily to remove food particles and plaque and prevent staining. Use a soft denture brush and non-abrasive denture cleaner. Avoid regular toothpaste as it can be too abrasive.

Soaking Overnight: Most dentures need to remain moist to retain their shape. Place them in water or a denture-soaking solution overnight. However, always check with your dentist for specific care instructions.

Handle with Care: While cleaning, hold your dentures over a folded towel or a sink filled with water. This provides a soft landing if they’re accidentally dropped.

Regular Dental Check-ups: Even if you have complete dentures, it’s essential to have regular dental check-ups. Your dentist will examine the fit of your dentures, ensure they’re in good condition, and check your gums for any signs of diseases or abnormalities.


Plastic or acrylic dentures have been a tried-and-true solution for those looking to replace missing teeth. Their affordability and adaptability make them an attractive option, especially for those who are not candidates for implants or other prosthetic solutions.

However, like any medical device, it’s essential to know its limitations and the necessary care procedures.

Investing time in understanding your dentures and regular dental visits can ensure that you continue to enjoy the benefits they offer for years to come. After all, a confident smile is priceless, and plastic dentures have been instrumental in giving that back to millions worldwide.