Plastics Used in Agriculture

Plastics Used in Agriculture

Plastic has become a crucial part of modern agriculture, providing various benefits to farmers and the agricultural industry. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding how plastics are used in agriculture.

Greenhouses and Tunnels

a. Greenhouses: Plastics such as polyethylene, PVC, and polycarbonate are used to construct greenhouses, providing a controlled environment for growing plants, particularly in off-seasons.

b. Tunnels: Low tunnels made of plastic films protect young plants, promote growth, and extend the growing season.

Irrigation Systems

a. Pipes and Tubes: Plastic pipes are used for irrigation purposes due to their lightweight, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion.

b. Drip Irrigation: Plastic drip lines deliver water directly to the plant’s roots, saving water and enhancing efficiency.


a. Plastic Mulch: Plastic sheets are laid over soil to control weeds, conserve moisture, and increase soil temperature. This accelerates plant growth and reduces the need for herbicides.

Pond Liners

a. Reservoirs: Plastic pond liners like polyethylene and PVC are used to create artificial water bodies for irrigation.

Biodegradable Plastics

a. Sustainability: Biodegradable plastics are gaining attention as they break down more easily, reducing the environmental impact.

Plastic Netting

a. Protection: Plastic nets protect crops from birds and insects.

Planting Containers

a. Pots and Trays: Plastic containers are used for growing seedlings and plants in nurseries.


Plastic has become an integral part of agriculture, offering solutions that enhance productivity and sustainability. From greenhouses to irrigation and mulching, plastics play a versatile role.

However, the use of plastics also demands responsible management, considering environmental and health factors.

The future may see an increased shift towards biodegradable plastics and improved recycling practices, aligning the agriculture industry’s needs with environmental stewardship.