Hello people, today I’m going to share a very interesting guide on how to remove scratches from eyeglasses plastic. This is going to be a short one. Without further ado, let’s get started.
How To Remove Scratches From Plastic Lens?
Scratches or dirt on your lens are very frustrating; it looks bad and obstructs your view, they might give you a headache, and most importantly, they can compromise your safety while driving. Luckily, there are some salient DIY methods to remove and eradicate scratches from your plastic lenses that are easy to learn and save you some time and a few hard-earned dollars.
Your plastic lens gets scratched or collects dirt when you handle them poorly and store them without the proper casing. But not to worry, below is our easy-to-follow guide to getting rid of those annoying scratches from your lenses the reason I call it easy is that the methods have few steps and include using your household items.
We will use four methods, including toothpaste, car wax, metal polish, and baking soda.
Removing Scratches from Eyeglasses Plastic Using Toothpaste
Toothpaste is a great way to get off light scratches from your plastic lenses. Use non-abrasive toothpaste, and avoid using the ones with whitening and plaque removal qualities.
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Things You’ll Need
- Toothpaste
- Microfibre towel
- Cotton ball
- Water
- Dish soap
The Method
- Clean the eyeglasses thoroughly to determine the areas and sizes of scratches. Use a good eyeglass cleaner and a microfiber towel to clean the plastic lens. If you don’t have a lens clean, use some soapy water and a sponge.
- Outspread the toothpaste on the lens. Use a cotton ball to rub the toothpaste properly on the surface. Rinse a few times to check progress.
- Repeat the process a few times until you notice all the scratches are removed.
- After cleaning, rinse the plastic lens with cool water and dry it with a clean towel (Using a clean towel is a must to avoid further damage to the lens).
How to Remove Scratches from Plastic Lens Using Baking Soda
Some people might not want to waste their toothpaste for this purpose. They can use baking soda to remove scratches from their lens. Baking soda is an easily available option that might already be present in your home; if not, you can easily buy it from your neighborhood store. Baking soda has an abrasion rate of 7 RDA, making it ideal for removing stubborn scratches without creating new ones.
Things You’ll Need:
- Baking soda
- Stirring stick
- Microfibre cloth
- Water
The Method
- Wash the eyeglasses properly to locate and identify the scratches. Washing is an important step as it will clean the plastic lens and makes the scratches identifiable, which is essential to remove them.
- Fill a bowl with baking soda and steadily add water while stirring it properly with a stirring stick to make a thick paste.
- Spread the paste properly over the scratched area. The paste must cover all the scratched parts adequately.
- Rub the applied paste with a firm hand with a microfiber cloth. Doing that constantly a few times will make the cloth capture all the scratches. However, keep the pressure steady, or it will create more scratches which we need to avoid at any cost.
- Clean the excess paste with a microfiber cloth and check your progress. If you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the process until you get the desired result.
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How to Remove Scratches From Eyeglasses Plastic Using Metal Polish
A few more things are found in your home and can be used for removing scratches from plastic lenses.
Low-abrasive metal polish can be a fantastic option as a high-abrasive metal polish can create more scratches. As far as my experience goes, brass polish is a very good option.
However, this happens to be a lengthier process, so stay patient.
Things You’ll Need:
- Metal Polish
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Cotton bud
- Microfiber towel
- Lenses cleaning cloth
The Method
- Dampen the microfiber cloth with metal polish. Ensure the towel is wet with the polish.
- Polish the scratches. Rub the dampened microfibre towel on the scratches for 5-10 minutes. The glasses will turn misty as you continue polishing.
- Keep rubbing inside and outside till you rub off all the scratches. Scratches can be on any side of your eyeglass.
- Clean off the excess polish and check the progress. If the scratches persist, keep repeating the process until you notice satisfactory results.
- Dampen a cotton bud in rubbing alcohol and rub it over the surface with a light grip. Rubbing alcohol will give the surface a minute cleaning.
- Wipe off the alcohol using an eyeglass cleaning cloth to have a finished-looking lens.
- If the scratches don’t come off on the first attempt, continue the process several times.
Removing Scratches From Plastic Lenses Using Car Wax
Car wax is used as a scratch-filling product. It should be saved as a last resort if all the above-mentioned methods don’t work for you. Using Turtle wax or furniture polishes such as lemon pledges is a wise option.
Things You’ll Need:
- Car Wax
- Lemon Pledge
- Windex
- Microfiber Towels
The Method
- Apply a small amount of car wax to the surface and spread it properly over the scratched location.
- Buff the surface in a circular fashion using a microfiber towel.
- As you notice the scratches are removed, thoroughly clean the excess wax using a wet microfiber towel.
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Tips To Prevent Scratches Your Eyeglass Plastic?
If you want to increase the life of your glasses, following the below-mentioned steps will be extremely useful for you.
- Carry your lens case with you when traveling.
- Try to keep your specs on.
- Try not to drop your lenses down.
- Make sure you use a case with a hard protective surface.
- If the scratches persist, take the glasses to a professional. Optometrist offices and plastic glasses retailers should have the products to repolish the surface of your lenses.
- If you complain or just normally return to the retailer from whom you originally bought the lens, they may polish your glasses for free. (Worth a shot)
- You can purchase a commercial plastic lens polish, but ensure that you don’t use it on prescription glasses. Using them will also remove the protective coating off your lenses and might increase the risk of creating more scratches.
How to Remove Scratches From Plastic Lenses
Below are the frequently asked questions on whether can scratches be removed from glasses. Let’s dig deep to know more.
Does plastic lenses get scratched easily?
Plastic lenses are more prone to scratches than lenses made from metal. However, using a polycarbonate lens (polycarbonate is also a plastic material) will significantly reduce the risk of scratches in your eyeglass lens.
Is it okay to have small scratches on your glasses?
Generally, all eyeglasses, made from plastic or not, have some kind of protective coating on the lenses, whether it is for adding polarization, reflective purposes, or preventing easy scratching. The tiny scratches often affect that outer coating, but the lenses beneath them remain fine.
Can scratched plastic lenses damage your eyes?
Even a tiny scratch that seems unobstructed can unconsciously affect your vision, leading to headaches and eye strain. If that happens, use any of the above methods to repair your scratches or get a new pair.
Which one is better: Polycarbonate or plastic lenses?
Polycarbonate gives better protection than other plastic-made lenses as it is the most impact-resistant thermoplastic. Also, polycarbonate lenses are thinner and lighter, making them comfortable to wear. Polycarbonate lenses also provide good protection from UV rays.
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Final Thoughts
That is all I want to say on how to remove scratches from eyeglasses plastic. People who prefer wearing lenses regularly for a variety of purposes and especially those who are wearing prescription lenses should take the lens business seriously. It is important to take care of your glasses as you have control of your vision.
Those DIY methods are tried, tested, and proven to be successful. However, no guarantee will work on all types of scratches. The methods work best on light scratches than deep scratches. So it doesn’t work out at the end of the day you have to take expert advice and visit a professional.
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